Hi! How are you?
As we mentioned before, we're now working as two separate companies with Sudaka Games and it's actually been pretty fun since we're able to interact with our communities very differently and actually have different audiences. Jet & Sky is looking awesome and we hope to have a build in around two months so we can find a publisher and receive more feedback :)
As for me, the Friendly Llama, we've been working hard and intensely on The Eightfold Path and it's amazing how much it has changed. We remade the map which is now four times bigger and redesigned the puzzles so they make a better use of the space. There are now a few challenges before the final puzzle, which makes it feel kind of like Zelda A Link to the Past, except there is no fighting in this game :) If you're into exploration and puzzles, you will very much like the gameplay and how the game feels!
Thanks for reading, we'll be posting more news regularly about the project! Don't forget to leave us a comment ;)
Friendly Llama
dope af